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Early Childhood By Bruce

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Early Childhood: A guide for students by T. Bruce (2006)


I need the page numbers for chapter 6 - The learning environment to put in my reference section. I have scribbled some notes from this chapter but forgot to note all page numbers.


If anyone can help I would be very grateful.




The page numbers are 46 -51


Hope this helps


Nicola :o


Is this a good book then? I always find it hard to choose the best books to buy and as all people learn in different ways i prefer to get other peoples oppinions first. Might have to take out a loan to sit and drink coffee in borders and do all my reading there! :o


Does anyone else have any good books to recommend?


I particularly like this one because as with most Tina Bruce books, it is quite easy to follow and she tends to explain things in plain language, which is always helpful! I've got a load of different books but it would depend on what you were looking at.


If you're after theory, then Hali recommended a brilliant book when I started my FD. It's by Linda Pound entitled "How children learn". It was quite a cheap book and explains theory in really simple language. I found this book useful as a basis for researching the different theories in more detail.


Erm... if there is a particular book you are thinking of, let me know and I'll see if I've got it :o


Thanks. Im looking for simple book for staff to read as i find the NVQ dont really give them enough detail in understanding the processes and stages children go through. Some people will go off and read in detail, but i find my staff and students are not really education friendly and struggle to take it all in.


Those 2 books sound like what im looking for. Im also looking for a simple guide to speech and language to help with observations and understanding of the staff own reponse and the effects they have on the children.


Hmmm, don't have anything specific for speech and language, but will have a chat with my boss, who is doing the FD but with another university so the courses are completely different. She might have some ideas or suggestions.

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