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No Voice


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Why is it when you loose your voice everybody tells you to stop talking then procede to ask you questions on how long has it been since you lost your voice and how bad you sound. :(:o

I have spent the last 4 weeks apologising for having no voice and every one still keeps asking me questions :(

Funny things the human race xD :wacko:

I think I'm going to take a pad with me tomorrow and see if that works. :(


Hi Steph,

So sorry you have had a 'lost voice' for this long. Must be painful and definitely frustrating! Hope you are feeling better very soon.



Hi Steph. 4 weeks with no voice is a long time - have you been to the doctor. I lost my voice totally three times in a year and our head kept telling me I had to stop work. I felt a real fraud as I felt perfectly fine, but she insisted and made me go to the doctor, who then gave me a sick note. When I said how many times it had happened, and my profession, the doctor referred me to speech therapy. There we did voice exercises and they talked about things we could do to treat our voices/ vocal cords/voice box - things like drinking lots of water, not straining voice by shouting, not whispering to talk if voice has gone, cutting out/down on caffine/cigarettes.


Take care, and if you've not seen a doctor, I would definately make an appointment.



PS - nearly everyone on the speech therapy course was a teacher or dinner lady!


Went to the nurse for the 2nd time after seeing 2 doctors in the last 4 weeks and today got some antibiotics Hurrah. So hopefully by monday I will be in fine vocal cord again. xD:o

I want to know what doctors did before we had virus's. I've been told for 4 weeks that I've got a viral infection hence the reason why they wouldn't give me anything, but I think the nurse practioner took pity on me today as she had only seen me a week before and said that we will try the antibiotics and if they don't work then I'll have to see the doctor again for some thing different.

The trouble is I'm looking at house for us to move the pre-school into and I've felt so tired trying to ask questions with no voice.

Still its my wedding anniversary tomorrow 28 years!!!!! and as one of my staff said today I've been married longer than she's been alive :(:( think that says it all. At least my husband hasn't maid any jokes about how lovely it is to have quiet around the house.

Think we might go to the cinema to celebrate as one son at work and other on a sleep over tonight.


Hope you get your voice back soon.


Think the t-shirt idea would be good. Often feel like borrowing my sons t-shirt which says


'Do I look like a BEEEEEEP people person?' :o


Only joking!!

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