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We are now including our lunch club as part of a 2 &half granted session, and consequently have had to look at our policies and risk assessments.

Has any one got any ideas other than the usual allergies, plastic bags and lids etc that we would need to put on our risk assessment. We do risk assessment on most other things at pre-school but they want one specific to lunchclub and eating. we have part of our normal risk assessment, that inlcudes food and preparing etc for activities and snacks but this they want more specific.


Also we have always included our lunchclub in with our other policies, but again our Advisory teachers and officers want something more specific for lunch it self.


Mind has gone a total blank on anything different to what we normally have in our policies and procedures, and can't see what we need to be more "specific about"!!!!!


But as the powers that be want more paperwork I will oblige!!!!


Any suggestions will be gratefully received.


Thanks Steph


isn't it interesting how we all get picked up on different things - I don't have anything specific policy wise that is soley related to lunch club.


only thing I can think of is that we ask parents to make sure they put an ice pack in their child's lunch box as we don't have cold facilities for storing them.




Hi there,

We run a lunch club at my Pre-school and include the following as guidance for parents.



Pre lunch hand wash

No sweets or nuts allowed

Including healthy options

Cool blocks must be providedby parent for their named lunch box ( yeh right!!)

waiting until friends have finished before leaving table

staff must give go ahead before they leave anything!!

putting lunch rubbish in bin

5 minutes story time to digest before returning to manic activity!!


We sit staff at the table with the children to model acceptable behaviour and make it social.


hope it helps


Thanks Goose

Thats about what we do now. We've being doing a lunchclub for 5/6 years and have never had Ofsted pick up on anything, but because we are now including as part of a granted session, which runs from 12.00 to 2.30 we have got to have all this extra paperwork.


I've got a week to put it together so will probably pull it out from what we already do.

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