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Doing an assignment on creative development and need to find some theories. Any good sites i can look at.

Thanks :D


found this Maisy dont know if it helps ata ll


Frostig, M., and Maslow, P., Educación del Movimiento, Teoría y Práctica, Editorial Médica Panamericana, Buenos Aires, 1989. (in English: Movement Education: Theory and Practice, Follett Publishing Co. Chicago). ISBN: 950-06-0747-6

The authors base this proposal on Skinner, in the point of departure of the subject; Bruner, in the need for discovery and inventiveness; Rousseau, in attending the needs of small children as individuals; Dewey, in the need of interpreting the interests of children; Piaget, in the need to adapt contents and methods to the stages of child development; and the need to integrate and structure content for the learning child. Presenting a summary of research up to the published date of the book, it also discusses the nature of motor activity and the use for special children. It is of particular use for the dance teacher that has children that need improvement in their neruomuscular coordination.

look on the web site there may be something i dont know

hope this helps

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