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More Formal Summer Term?

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I know there have been discussions about this last year however I just wanted to know what people were doing in terms of preparing children for Year 1. I am (and did last year) accompanying children on an induction visit to year one, arranging additional visits (one afternoon a week) on a needs led basis for my most vulnerable children, new teacher sending a welcome letter, children going into their new class for a story every week etc. Last year I did not get any more formal in the summer term as this was what my head asked and I did not question it. However some of my most able and most secure children cried each day in their new class until Christmas. One still cries even now most mornings. I have to put this down to the fact that the children simply weren't ready for the more formal and prescribed curriulum of Year One. Nobody in my school has been on any continuing the learning journey or tranisition courses and I know that if anything KS1 curr should be moving more like FS (as in Wales) rather than the other way around however I do feel that if this is not going to happen (although my head encourages me to not go any more formal he insists that when children get to KS1 they must do KS1 curr - I know this isn't right but there is little I can do about it) then I have a duty to prepare my children more in terms of the curriculum. I'm sure I have read somewhere that in Reception first term there should be 25% adult led 75% CI and by Summer term 75% adult led and 25% CI. Can anyone point me in right direction as to who this guidance is from? Do you think it is ok to do a formal (ish) lit and num each day in Reception Summer term or not?


We actually do it the other way round so to speak Y1 works the same way as reception in the Autumn term.

The advise we got from our LA was 60% CI in the Autumn 50% Spring 40% Summer

Guest tinkerbell

I teach r/yr (6) and class 2 has the other yr1 s (10)and yr2 so

We have 2 circle times a week when the yr1 get together

Class 2 yr1 join my class for welly wednesday

We have KS1 assemblies where class2 teacher does them

All year each cohort has had a Friday carousel time PE/music/Games

so this next term

I will pop into Class 2 for Monday and Tuesday pm registration then 20 min handwriting this will enable the class2 teacher to register my children and do speaking /listening activities and story, they will get to know her better.

We will have more pm activities on the field class1 and class2 (weather permitting)

We will do Golden time Friday morning 11.45-12.00 free flow between the two classrooms.

We have a change around day in the last half term.



I have just re read your letter

How about getting the Year 1 teacher in and doing a little swop here and there?

She could pop in on her PPA time 'planning and preparation' to get to know your children then they may not cry!! She will also see what she should be providing for them as year1 children 'continuing the learning journey!




We do the same as Marion - Y1 working in a more Reception class way, and the figures Marion gives are the ones I've heard. I had no problems with any of my class last year, as they were still given lots of opportunities to play - great to see so many smiling faces. I don't intend to get much more formal in the summer term, though some of the more able will probably be quite happy to do a higher level of work.




Thanks for your replies - my Yr 1 teachers are not prepared to work in more of a FS way - even for the first term. Children go straight in to numeracy and literacy dominated mornings and sadly, do mainly worksheets. Although I would never subject my class to lots of worksheets (we rarely do any at the moment) however I am thinking of doing lit and numeracy 'lessons' each day. Lesson compromising of a short whole class intro, PLAY based group activties and some sort of closure to the session (prob whole class). Do you think this is acceptable? As much as I love my informal approach and feel children are currently developing really well I will feel really upset if my current class and parents struggle to settle down as they did last year. It was very difficult seeing my old children coming in crying each morning and a few of the parents even came to me to share their concerns and I do not want this to be the case this year. Although I know the Year One teachers should take more of a FS approach rather than me go more formal I also know that this does not happen in our school.


I think you probably have the right answer for your situation Mookie although ideally the emphasis is now on the alternative. Several years ago when I tried to introduce more of a literacy/ numeracy style hour I found that I could teach content or routine but not both. Maybe you can find some way of maintaining your present teaching style and introducing the formality that you feel the children need in a balanced and meaningful way?

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