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Been moderated today by 2 consultants from my LA and everything went really well. They were really impressed with my range of evidence and our judgements were more or less exactly the same. Differed on just a couple of profile points but as they had only observed the 3 for half an hour and as we agreed on everything else they were happy to go with my judgements.

Only recommendation was to try to keep more samples of children's independent work so am going to try to put a system in place for this but not sure how. At the moment when my children do any independent stuff they usually put it in their trays - what do other people do? Am not sure if I want children bringing out every piece of work to me constantly as I am trying to encourage them to be as independant as poss.

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we keep a sugar paper folder for our reception children. when the children do there work independent or not,

when they bring it to show us if we think its relevant we keep it to put in their file.

we keep them in an orange crate so they dont take up much space on top of a unit.

at the end of the year they take home their folder.

the work isnt kept in any sort of order just put into the folder so it isnt too much of a hassle but you always have evidence if anyone comes in to school.

#this is good for us as we had the ofsted call today and they are in thurs and fri.

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Most of our children's work/play is independent and they nearly ALWAYS want to take it home. I do photocopy and photograph work.


I also have asked parents if they could possibly bring the work/play back into school as it is often the process of taking the object home/giving the object to mum that is important to the child.

This has worked quite well.


Each child has a special 'Learning Journey' book where a mixture of work/play things are presented.

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No - my LA isn't doing the same as most others and has opted for PSE (social development) and CLL (Lang for communication) as the focus - not sure why. Was quite surprised that they wanted to see basically everything you had for the three chosen children, even stuff that I though irrelevant to their moderation including reading records, etc. Couldn't help but feel like it was a bit of a check up that everthing is being done properly - thank goodness it is! Am hoping for a rest next term - Ofsted last and moderation this term. :D


PS Just out of interest they also wanted to look at the assessment records for all the children in the class but focussed on the three chosen children.

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Thanks for the info, Mookie. We're also being moderated this year (and like you, have also had OFSTED earlier this term!) I'm not looking forward to it as I don't have a lot of recorded info - we have been told not to keep extensive records for every child. As far as I know they are looking at all areas of PSED and K&U :o

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Try not to worry about it. I was pretty nervous and worried that I wouldn't have enough evidence but i suppose it's more about the quality and range of evidence than quantity - I don't have reams and reams of paperwork but they said I had a good range.

We just have: baseline ass based on new EYFS (chn given a stage for Maths, CLL and PSE); formal obs (I had two per child but only 1 per child for the rest of my class which they did look at and say was fine); incidental obs (linked to areas of learning but no next steps) and photographs stuck onto a sheet of card and annotated. Samples of childrens work - some annotated however they did comment that perhaps there could have been more independent work included. I also have comments on my e-profile. We don't do anything outstanding or out of the ordinary like tape or even video children (as much as I'd like to) but we got through the moderation fine.


Susan - I must admit I don't use the reading record to inform my profile. If a child says something significant during independent reading then I record it on an incidental ob but I don't look over each child's record when doing my profile. I must admit I do try to get the majority of my obs during child initiated as my LA is pretty strict about that so never thought of using the records but I do agree that they would be useful for informing some elements of the profile.

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