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I'm thinking of changing our timetables for next September. Thinking oF re vamping topics (which i have now been doing in the nursery for 9yrs and all feels a bit stale.(actually, i would like to move to the recption class having been left in nursery for 9yrs). i NEED A NEW CHALLENGE!!

I need motivating!! Can anyone give me some inspiration for nursery!! I've done it, read the book, bought the tee-shirt (I think i even wrote the film script!!)


Appparently I'm so wonderful in the nursery and all the parents say how great i am that the head doesn't really want me to move to another year group. (Can you believe that for an excuse!!!)







Hi Jean,

Can you tell us a bit about what you do now........then we can hopefully come up with other things! :D


We are a 26 FTE nursery in a primary school. There is myself, the teacher (and FSC) and a nursery nurse. Some of the days there is just the two of us, some days we have child care students. We have 2 rooms so it's great fun when only 2 of us to monitor all the children. This year quite a few of our chiodren have bad behaviour problems and we spend a great deal of the time monitoring them. By the time we've spent half a day doing this we haven't managed to get through tre focus activities we have planned. At the end of the week i have planning which hasn't been completed due to behaviour control!! We do 6 mini topics each year: the usual, myself & my family, minibeasts, food, nursery rhymes, senses, celebrations. We have a session in the ICT suie, a session in the hall so thre's not much time left for focus activitie!!!!!!! We struggle to have a proper outside curriculum due to lack of resources and lack of staff. (With 2 rooms and only 2 qualified members of staff it is impossible to provide all day free flow outdoor provision). I am very aware of our poor outside curriculum that we offer but because of our staffing structure and the strange arrangements of our rooms we have to have a set time when we all go outside together or just a few children stay inside but only in one room. I sound like i'm winging but it's a bit of a dilemma. When i visit day nurseries and large nurseries and see all the staff, i get very envious. With only 2 staff, how CAN you provide proper outdoor curriculum when the children want it, not when we decide they can have it!!!!!!!!


ideas please.

Jean :o


I feel very sorry for you Jean. Your post re-inforces the poor ratios that school units have to work to. I feel that free flow is essential for young children. They need the freedom and the space to develop. you mention poor behaviour - if you could possibly introduce free flow I guarantee behaviour problems would decrease dramatically. (Well it certainly did for us - the incident book is now hardly used.) Would it be possible for you to permantly close one of your rooms so that you could use the outside. Alll areas of the curriculum can be accessed outside and in much more exciting and 'real' ways.


The poor adult child ratio was one of the factors that influenced our decision to become a FSU. As Chill has said behaviour problems have virtually disappeared now the children aren't confined indoors.


Soapbox time the ratios are my big criticism of the EYFS I foolishly was hoping for a change for schools.

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