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Any ideas for a contribution to a whole school display on communication, in entrance hall, would be appreciated!

Children could possibly decorate letters of the alphabet but not sure how to best tackle this so that it looks suitably impressive and like childrens work!


We recently contributed to a whole school PSE display - I documented the children's work through photographs and added lots of captions - direct observations of things they said during PSE activities and observations of what they did.


Could you take photos to illustrate all the ways you encourage/develop Communication skills and add observations?


I was going to suggest something along the same lines as nsunshine! That sounds a great idea!


We made tiles from air drying clay with the first letter of the child's name on and decorated and varnished these when they were dry and almost managed to create a board of the whole alphabet which looked lovely as a class display.

The other way we have done something similar is to make a printing block of the first letter of their name using card and thick string then displayed the block and the printed version side by side.


Non verbal communication, facial expressions for example. The seal photo's give good examples of this, maybe photgraph children making different expressions or see if they can draw them. :D


Role play of communication, photo of a child in role play area using phone, mobile etc.


email communication, do the children do this with pupils from another school?


Children 'communicte' choices by choosing and taking photo's of favourite equipment, activities or even places within the school environment.


Have fun, sounds like an interesting feature for the school entrance.



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