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Foundation Stage Portfolio

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I am thinking of putting together a Foundation Stage Portfolio (the dreaded O are expected any time!)

Does anyone have one? I would really appreciate any advise on how to organise it. What should be in it? Photos? worksamples? planning?

Any thoughts/advise would be appreciated. :D


I'm not sure if this is what you mean but I have a class book where I put photographs of the children doing different things. The photographs all have captions: a heading that shows the areas of learning plus a comment about what the children were doing/learning. This book is on permanent display.


I also have 'special books' for each child. These are nice books with different coloured pages. I put a picture of the child on the front cover and then inside I'll put photographs and samples of 'really good' work. These will be labelled with what the child did that was so special/why it's a good piece of work. The parents don't see these individual books until their child leaves Reception - a 'going away' present.


We have 'Room Diaries' for each unit, with photos, thankyous from parents, trips, parties, visits/visitors etc. The Manager maintains a 'Memory Box', with the more 'whole nursery' stuff and she also keeps an 'Ofsted Box', which contains copies of everything which we know are complete and bang up to date, because no one dares touch it!!


Is that the sort of thing you mean?




I am starting a new job in January, in Reception, and have put together 2 files for evidence re the profile. I have used the profile headers that were donated by someone here, Sarah I think and adapted them. If I can locate them later, I will add them to the resource library. I am not going to keep individual record books as such.


We do something similar, each child has a folder, divided into the 6 areas of learning. They keep it in their tray and love to look at it and show it to visiters (including ofsted - which I didn't plan!). We put in any photographs we have taken, observations and post-its (positive ones) The children help us put them in so they feel ownership over it. We also put samples of work in. The children have become so used to it they are putting their own work in before I have written the ss or ELG it covers on it!! We keep other observations in a seperate whole class assessment file. Good luck :)


Thank you everyone for your replies :D I already have a 'assessment folder' for all the FSP stuff, and just want to put together a general portfolio I think I might put it together like an annotated photograph album of all the fantastic things we do in our classroom :o

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