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Nls Medium Term Plans


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After spending many an hour breaking down the NLS objectives into termly plans i was told on Wednesday that the NLS has broken them down and matched them with the ELGS and FS Guidance

Was wondering of anyone knew about them and if they are using them?

I ahd a quick look but they llok quite complicated??


Sarah :oxD:(

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I know what you are talking about. The year 1 plans are sitting right in front of me and I think I've got the Reception ones at school too (called later foundation stage if I remember rightly). They are a useful guidance for your medium term work as it separates all the objectives into units based on the genre of book etc like Narrative, Poetry, Fantasty world etc etc.

Quite good as a basis for your work, I know my school uses them right upto Y6.

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I think there are some early Foundation plans too.

I've not found them very easy to use though Nicohla, my children aren't that advanced!

I must investigate further along with all the other things to do.



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