Guest Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 I have been asked to contribute to school's SEF. Keen to find out how filling it in has been organised in other schools. In our's the HT and DHT are doing it all at present, but have asked for a hand with parts relevant to FS. Any thoughts on things to include, useful wording and so on would be gratefully received. I always find this sort of thing a bit mind boggling Thanks AOB
Guest Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 I've just found this AOB and it looks like it could be just what you need!! Self_Evaluation_in_the_Foundation_Stage_1_.doc
Guest Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 Wow Kermit that was quick! Thanks so much, it might start, at first glance, to get my mind a little less befuddled! Any other thoughts welcome too!! Especially if you've had OFSTED feedback on it AOB
Guest Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 We were 'done' in July. When I did my bits of the SEF I cross-referenced the things I do to examples of good practice e.g. quotes from the Standards Site, the EPPE report, Curriculum Guidance etc. I talked about having a 'constant striving for perfection', showing that I'm willing to adapt what I do in order to make things as good as they possibly can be. I also included lots of details when providing evidence for the statements e.g. all the assessments we keep and how these are used to inform our planning, ALL the experiences we provide for the children e.g. helpers/visitors/visits etc. Anything you do that you think is vaguely good and 'topical' I would include e.g. on-entry assessments, tracking progress, working with your feeder playgroups/nurseries, communication with parents etc - razzle-dazzle 'em was my plan () and it seemed to work. Um, can't think of any more really. I'll have a look tomorrow at school if that would help.
Guest Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 That sounds great Moose. Any further feedback would be fab. Thank you. AOB
Guest Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 I really agree with Moose - we recently had our ofsted - 18th October - and although I didn't have much to do with the SEF I know our Head put every thing down he could think of. On the actual day the Inspector wanted to meet with me after school and I just tried my best to 'razzle dazzle' as Moose has said - I later heard from my Head that the Inspector was v. impressed with the 'passionate' teachers. Again, like Moose he was very interested in on entry assessment - luckily in the summer I had made a new format to use - so I wasted no time in showing him that. He was also keen to know if the children had made progress and I had to clarify the "6" score on the Profile being a good score - not just average as he thought our children just made average progress! On the whole a very positive experience, I felt I really had a chance to say and explain everything and the Inspector really listened. FS got a 'good' which I was v. v. pleased with and the school nearly got an 'outstanding' overall which everyone was v. pleased about! I know it is everyones intention that the FS staff contribute more directly to the SEF from now on, but time wasn't on our side earlier.
Guest Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 I had a look today - nearly forgot...AGAIN! The bits that I think most pertained to the Foundation Stage were 3. Achievements and Standards, particularly 3b. Here I talked about how we analysed data from the FSP and what it had shown us so far that year. I identified areas where I didn't think we would score that highly and said what I intended to do about it then and with the next cohort of children. I also made predictions e.g. it is expected that some children will perform above average in x, y and z. Also in section 5. Quality of Provision (5d). I talked about the quality of the learning environment, how the systems I have in place encourage children to be independent and 'hands-on' learners. Also tried to show my understanding of the FS curriculum e.g. all areas of learning are equal, what children learn in one area will support their development in other areas too etc. Also talked about how my practice is influenced by current research e.g. explicitly teaching phonics in the light of the Rose report and the publication of Playing with Sounds. In section 6. Leadership and Management, 6b pertains specifically to the Foundation Stage. I'd really big yourself up here! I talked about how what I do reflects the principles of good FS practice. Also, how we use observations, audits and data to inform priorities and improvements for the coming year. Also discussed the excellent relationship that I have with my TA, morale etc. Our budget - what it is and how we spend it. Links with playgroups etc. Also, FS and transition policies and and our transition questionnaire. Everything that I said I cross-referenced back to 'definitive' practice e.g. Continuing the Learning Journey, the EPPE report (which I only learned about through this site), Curriculum Guidance..., the Standards Site etc. Hope that helps.
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