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Please help!


I have a parents evening tomorrow -

Does anyone have a written piece on free flow play and child initiated learning- explaining what it is that I can show my parents.



I was going to do this tonight however ive just found out that a member of staff who is leaving next week hasnt even started writing up her childrens progress report and has also announced she cant come in tomorrow so hey Im going to have to do it so I will be up til the early hours no doubt!


Thanks x


Child initiated;

where the child makes choices from within the learning environment to meet his/her own outcomes for earning. Skilful adult interaction supports and extends the play to enable the child to make progress.


Adult initiated;

experiences where the practitioner provides the resources to stimulate and consolidate learning. These experiences may not always require the direct involvement of an adult.


Adult directed;

experiences which are planned and supported by practitioners and which aim to meet specific learning outcomes.


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