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Record Of Achievement/f.s.p.

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can anybody tell me (nursery/preschools) whether you fill in the f.s.p alongside the recorded of achievement.

I was led to believe that we did not touch it as it was only upon entering reception that this came into play.


I also,perhaps naively thought that the f.s.p. followed on from the r.o.a. but i have now been told by an early years advisor that this is not the case.


Also can anyone tell me how they use their r.o.a.

Do you fill in a colour per term i.e yellow autumn, green spring etc and do you tend to fill most stepping stones in or do you mark them low.


We have decided that we do not mark it off untill the children have be witnessed 3 times at least.


I know this is a lot of questions but am a bit flummaxed :oxD





FSP is for children in their reception year----ie the school year in which they will have their 5th birthday. For some children they may spend some or all of this in settings other than schools and they should have their Profile started. If you are in an area where children go to school in the September only, you will not start the profile.


Does that make sense?


Hi Trish1, I'm in a preschool and we were told the f.s.p was not for us. Our r.o.a. is currently going under yet another overhaul but like you we only mark a child as acheiving a stepping stone after it has been witnessed at least three times. Our EYA said we should use dates instead of colours or term to record acheivements so we now use the week commencing dates. The stepping stones aren't supposed to be age specific but we've been told to start with the yellow and blue s.s's moving into the green and elg's if appropriate. At present we've decided it's impossible to record every s.s so are in the midst of selecting s.s.'s from each aspect for our r.o.a. Hope this helps and not confuses more!




we have a copy of the stepping stones that are kept in the front of the childs record of achievement to record and date as the children achieve them and this way we can show evidence too each stepping stone has a column for comments alongside it hope that makes sense xjojomx


Hi jojom, could I be really cheeky and ask if you could possibly, pretty please :o , attach a copy of the stepping stones with the comments column?








hi it wont let me upload and im not sure how to so if you like i can email it to you


Hi jojom, thank-you very much, that would be fantastic. I've p.m'd you my email adress but if that doesn't work, I think if you click on my avatars name my email address should come up there aswell.


Thanks again



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