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Books And Thoughts For Phse

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I am in the process of revamping our PHSE plans which are uninspiring and involve long circle time sessions and am looking for your ideas .....


firstly your favourite books with a theme that you use for stimulating ideas, discussion etc.


and your thoughts on circle time, I was on a course led by Marion Dowling about thinking skills and as part of a discussion over lunch about circle time she said something that has made me rethink my own views on circle time she said she was unlikely to discuss or share her feelings just because a teddy landed on her lap!


How do you plan for PHSE? Do you plan for it? Do you have circletime sessions and if so what do you use as a stimulus?




We use the Golden rules big books to introduce the golden rules themes, they are really, bright and attractive books with nice pictures in them. They are based on Jenny Mosley's golden time rules and they come witha teacher handbook. We have introduced these in assemblies.

I have also used the SMART resources, a teacher handbook, photocopiable sheets and suggested books e.g. Elmer - we are all different to use in the classroom.


Hope this helps.



We use SEAL too... though I think it's a case of 'pick-and-choose' cause I think some of it's a bit naff.


I read a nice book today called Daft Bat about apreciating another's point of view :D

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