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Playground Markings!


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Does anyone have any unusual ideas of how we can onclude some markings in our playground. I hate bike tracks and the usual number type. Need some open-ended ideas - PLEASE


Thanks a million Rosie :)


A school near me has a footprint trail with bear paw prints, bird foot prints, giant footprints etc. It also has a maze marked out and the usual hopscotch and number grids. The preschool children enjoy the maze.


We have an alphabet grid which is really useful - give the children a basket of objects from the classroom and ask them to sort them by initial/final sound. Also shapes - common 2D shapes. KS1 have a clock. We also have a spiral which the children enjoy walking along (trying to keep on the line as it gets smaller and smaller). We also have a number grid which the children use for snakes and ladders. Nothing too unusual I'm afraid - they usually come to paint our playground out of the blue and it's only afterwards that you think - Oh I wish I'd asked them to do this!! :o




Harricroft, I love your idea of the alphabet grid. Our nursery playground is much too small and already covered with stuff but I've suggested it to the head for the ks1 and ks2 playgrounds and he seems really keen.


Thank you!


Fluff x

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