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i've had a request from the preschool I'm partnership teacher for to find out what is required to be put in a first aid kit for 24 2 & 3 year olds. Does anyone know please?

Thanks xx




The advice on this one varies immensly,


in ours (from memory) we have


Blue plasters (for staff)


three triangular bandages (these have the ability to be used for a million and one uses, (a very valuable resource in first aid box)


a couple of normal bandages




micropore tape


and melolin dressings


we have normal plasters but i don't actually think we are able to use them :o (although the first aider that did my course adviced us to use them if necessary)


we don't ahve antiseptic wipes, we just wipe cuts with clean paper towel (or flush cut under running water)


we are a 42 place day nursery and to be honest we hardly ever need to use our first aid box, most accidents are delat with sufficiently with cold compress, and of cours cuddles :D






The DFEE guidance on first aid says


minimum provision of first-aid items would be:

a leaflet giving general advice on first aid (see list of

publications in Annex A);


20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings


two sterile eye pads;

four individually wrapped triangular bandages

(preferably sterile);

six safety pins;

six medium sized (approximately 12cm x 12cm)

individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound


two large (approximately 18cm x 18cm) sterile

individually wrapped unmedicated wound


one pair of disposable gloves.


We had the above as per Marion but also the following:

A Resusciade (for mouth to mouth)

A roll of non-allergenic adhesive tape (micropore to hold dressings in place)

2 crepe bandages (large and small)

2 conforming bandages (large and small)

A pack of sterile gauze

A pair sharp scissors

A pair of tweezers

Notepad and pencil

Contents check list


We needed quite a big box for this. We also kept a compact kit in a bum bag for outings.

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