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Interview - Help Please!

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I have an interview for a Reception (F2) class and have been asked to teach a ten minute phonics lesson on w. I need to do something snappy and interactive and am in a blind funk! Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved. (At the moment I am collecting objects beginning with that phoneme).

Guest Really

When forming the sounds my children love doing it with different parts of the body, so forming it using their elbows, feet, bums, heads. It is very interactive and fun!


You could have them sitting in circle with things that begin with w in the middle and things that don't, ask them to come and find something beginning with w.


Good luck, teaching Reception is just great.


We did 'w' last week and one activity was a washing line. The children took turns in selecting a picture from a 'feely' type bag and naming it if it began with a 'w' sound it was pegged on the washing line...............the JP action is the wind blowing so we used the action to blow the 'washing' dry


We do the same as Marion plus sing a song to tune of 'What Shall we do Tom Farmer' plus 'sky writing', pointy finger in the air


We alter the song dependent on children's interests but if you do Marion's washing line idea you could sing:


( do blowing action 3 times when you sing w bit)




Washing on the washing line w,w,w

Washing on the washing line w,w,w

Washing on the washing line w,w,w

What shall we do Tom Farmer?


Thanks Really, Kermit21 and Marion for those great ideas. I feel much more confident now!


The lesson went very well :D as did the interview :D


They rang me at the end of the day to say they were having difficulty deciding and would reconvene next morning. Unfortunately, I didn't get the job :o


Have sent off more applications though, so fingers crossed.


Thanks again for your help and support :D

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