Guest DeborahF Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 Does anyone use a commercially produced record keeping scheme to record observations and assessments of their children? I'm supporting a nursery in their implementation of an effective system of observations, assessments and record keeping and am trying to gather together as much information as possible to show them so that they can choose a system/scheme that they think best suits their needs. I've got my own ideas on what will be most effective but I want to give them a few alternatives to promote a bit of discussion. Many thanks!
Guest Posted September 24, 2006 Posted September 24, 2006 until recently we used sound learning record keeping for both birth to three and the foundation stage but weve moved away from these because it was felt that they were to general and we wanted a more individualised system now we all have individual diaries to record observations ithese are used for our planning and also for the childrens record of achievement and are backed up with evidence such as photos, comments or childrens work its in the early stages at the moment but so far so good
Guest Posted November 8, 2006 Posted November 8, 2006 We have used various schemes in the past and now developed our own. The main trouble with a lot of the commercial ones for us was that they took you to the end of the foundation stage but in a preschool, our children leave with a year to go. parents were upset by the large gaps in goals not acheived because little Jo or Jane was not afluenty reader/writer yet. We have picked out the best of about three schemes and used the sections that apply to our aged children. You can always add an extra page for the exceptional genius who takes GCSE's whislt still in preschool!!!
Guest Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 We have developed our own scheme too. We based it on various commercial ones that had been tried in our preschool and all failed because - they repeated the same thing on different pages - they carried on to cover every genius and most children don't fill all pages - they took too long to fill in. Ours our much simpler with tick/date boxes to complete but are accompanied by an album of post-it note observations and photos as evidence. most parents look at the logs and ignore the record books!!!
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