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Which Way To Go?

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I did my NNEB in 1975 . I have kept up to date with day courses etc. and never been out of work till now. (Husband relocated) I have recently been preschool leader and before, Nursery manager. The question now is.... Where do I go next? Bearing in mind we have just moved to Darkest Norfolk, what is going to be the best way to update my NNEB?

Do I go for HNC , Foundation Degree of straight to degree in childhood studies? Or just head for Acreditation for prior learning ? Does anyone Know where I can go to get help?

HELP!! xD:(:o


Hi Ellie

I don't know if anybody has welcomed you to the site but I will now if not!

I suppose it depends on the sort of time you have to give to your chosen course. Are you going to be full time, part time, distant learning, going into a college, working at the same time? It's a difficult one. What is there local to you in the way of colleges etc? Access is going to be important if you are going to be full time but not so if it's only one day a week or even less.

You probably need to visit a couple of places that are offering courses that interest you and look at the Open University web site. Get some info from them all and sit down and consider what is best for you.

Good luck



Thanks Linda, That is just the problem. Do I go full time or look for a post that will allow me time to study?

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