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Healthy Week

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This week we have organised a 'Healthy Week'

We have yoga sessions, Scholarest Tasting Sessions, Hands on Cookery Sessions, Visits from People who help us, etc etc etc

I have found some useful websites if anyone else is planning to do this.

I had lots of help from our Healthy Schools Worker, and last week we were awarded the newly revised Healthy School Award, was that lots of work!!!

Anyway drifting back:




http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/healthy_e...ion/default.htm - Healthy Eating Lesson Pack


http://www.firekills.gov.uk/juniors/index.htm - Keeping Safe Website



http://www.healthykids.org.uk – Health Info for children


http://www.bootslearningstore.com/home.htm - Boots provide info for parents, teachers and pupils. Lots of activity sheets, sun care, hygiene, etc very useful



http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/conflict/index.html - An American site which talks about strategies to sort out name calling! It’s just the American accent, which you might not like, but the approach is like the methods suggested in the SEAL strategy.



http://www.hedgehogs.gov.uk/main/main.html - Road safety


http://www.pet-educationresources.co.uk – About pets, literacy, numeracy activities, etc


http://www.bmweducation.co.uk/safe/pupilHo...?folder=teacher – being safe on the street


http://www.freedomknot.com/flash.html - Learn to tie shoe laces











Edited by Guest


Lots of websites, thanks, must of taken you ages to post



Hi Becky Ann


Thank you so much for these. must be something in the air for healthy weeks - we are having one week after next - have just been sitting trying to think of an area for my class to cover as the idea i had thought of has been pinched - was going to do Suncare - as we are under the sea with our topic at the mo - but think i have decided to do a day in the life of the Lighthouse Keeper - from the book - including cleaning teeth, healthy packed lunch boxes etc...


what did you do? was it a succes?





Well the whole school has been given timetables, no formal literac, numeracy etc.

Each class has sessions for;

Circle time, Music and Brain Gym, Yoga, Parachute games, Gardening, Cookery Sessions, Balance of Good Health Sessions, Visit park, Healthy Packed Lunch Demonstrations to name but a few!

We are starting today, so I will let you know how it goes!!


Just an update really!

Scholarest were brilliant, prepared all fruit and veg, for tasting, left activity sheets, and children tasted a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. Apparently they come into school for FREE! So worth asking the school cook to get info.

The school nurse did I nice activity for suncare using puppets, and medicines and their dangers. The Healthy Packed lunch demo's - nice recipies but only a handful of parents attended.

We did fruit kebabs today, the children loved them, as well as Brain Gym, Gardening, Dance and Foods we like and dislike.

The staff and children are really enjoying this week!

Tomorrow - Fun Run, Cookery + Exercise sessions, Talk about a Balance of Good Health!

Friday - Visit from Police and Dogs, Story telling - Handas Suprise, Making Pizza, S.A.Q - P.E Sessions!

The whole school has got on board so it has been absolutely fantastic!

Anyone thinking of doing it should go for it!

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