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The Rainbow Fish

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:) Hi,

We've got OFSTED looming :o and I want to plan my lessons around the book The Rainbow FishI've done it before but cant find any of my lesson plans. I remember doing a role play where I stuck silver 'scales' to a child and the rest of the class were the other fish. Obviously we could do art work-painting fish , sticking shapes on fish. Any other ideas? What I'd love is a 5 day literacy and numeracy plan based around it (was going to do shape or pattern for numeracy). Also, dont know if I should fall into the trap of tenuous links but as we bake each week i'd like OFSTED to see this and was thinking of doing something 'fishy'!! :lol:Maybe Not eating fish as they might get upset that we were eating the rainbow fish!!! xD Maybe fish biscuits????????????Any ideas? I'd love to hear them and any contributions would be very much appreciated.

Thanks a lot

Zim :):)

ps its reception in a FS unit


Think Id make fish shaped biscuits and decorate them ----edible rainbow fish!


Have you looked on hamiltntrust, they might have a rainbow fish week there and the literacy plans sometimes include a cooking activity.


You could try alsorts of art/ medium exploration activities on fish shaped paper too not just collage.


I may even become a rainbow fish fan now!!


Good luck.


Here are a few of the ideas I've used.


Our children did a fantastic display( reminds me must post it in the gallery). It included fish prints ( Plaice being the best) transulant paper seeweed, little fish with one sequine scale (shared from the big fish, centre of display) The children added their own interpretation of the scene by making and adding an image of a treasure chest ( for the pirates :oxD ) and a cave for the "fish to hide in".

We did it for a display in our local library. When we took the Ofsted Inspectors to see it last week they were very impressed, we also found out that the area manager was very impressed and wanted it to stay up longer and even be used in other libraries in the area.


Tuna melts would be a delicious and quite easy cooking activity.

One of the ideas I've added was from a site that looked at the 'friendship' angle of the story, so a very tenuous link would be for the children to make 'frienship bracelets. If you have time to collect them CD fish hung up in a mobile.


Good luck




p.s. The backing of the display was an old transparent glittery shower curtain.








Not linked to literacy or numeracy, but we did clay fish. After lots of exploration with the clay, the children (with help) cut around a fish template to get their clay to the correct shape. They then selected a variety of objects to impress into the clay to make the scales.


It was self-drying clay so didn't require a kiln. When it was dry they decorated it with pearlescent paints. They looked gorgeous.


Not linked to literacy or numeracy, but we did clay fish. After lots of exploration with the clay, the children (with help) cut around a fish template to get their clay to the correct shape. They then selected a variety of objects to impress into the clay to make the scales.


It was self-drying clay so didn't require a kiln. When it was dry they decorated them with pearlescent paints. They looked gorgeous.


Wow, I love the power point - we have just had an overhead projector for the nursery - not as snazzy as an interactive whiteboard I know - but we are thrilled (doesn't take a lot :o ). I can't wait to let our lot loose with this they will love it - thanks!


I have attached (well I think I have :o ) some notes we were given out at a Rainbow Fish workshop during some training. The ideas work especially well for YR children.



Can you not get some real fish from a fish mongers. great for painting with although a bit smelly. don't think you could buy a rainbow fish though as our seas are a bit colourless :o


Thank you so much to everyone for all your wonderful ideas!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Peggy and debbington that powerpoint presentation is fantastic id love to be able to say thank you to who ever made it-it must have taken ages its great. I've got so much to be getting on with 9just printed out all the downloads-lots of bedtime reading!! :o ) i'd still love to hear any one elses ideas though.

Thanks so much, its ages since i've been on this site id forgotten how helpful everybody was :):)

Kind regards



Susan-do you subscibe to the hamilton trust to get lesson plans? Is it worth the money?

Thanks zim :)


I'm still looking for lesson ideas for the rainbow fish if anyone's got any more. Also interested if any one else uses the hamilton trust?


Zim, I use Hamilton Trust - not as much now as I did before, but I have just renewed my 'friend's memebership' as it's useful knowing you can access things. I never used it as a 'ready made lesson plan', and always found I had to tweek things - you know somethings will work with your children and some things won't, but, along with the obvious, they do have things that you think you could use.


Sorry Zim, overlooked your question somehow.


No I dont subscribe as Im supply teaching at the moment but I think if I ever become class based again I will seriously consider it. There is some good stuff on there and has Harricroft has says can be tweaked to fit. The subscription has gone on since I began supply and I used it a fair bit before that. Planning directive allows you to print and highlight etc rather than needing to rewrite too.

  • 8 years later...

Some of our planning ideas for this topic include:-

Making a water bottle fish

Exploring rainbow trout using magnifying glasses - vocab : gills, scales and fins

Drama - act out the story using coloured material

PSED - Discuss friendships and feelings

Fishing game - hook the fish and put the numbers in order

Compose music to represent the sounds in the sea e.g. gentle waves, crashing tides, dainty bubbles, stormy ocean etc

Small world - underwater creatures, sea shells, pebbles

Making waves using blue shaving foam to mark-make

Sequins and glitter in the play dough - Challenge: Can you make a rainbow fish?

Large construction - cardboard box Challenge: Can you make a boat to sail across the ocean?

Lots of ideas on pinterest I expect :huh:

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