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C5 - Kus34


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Can't get my head around this particular KUS and where to find it in the child education books


C5 - KUS34


The importance of discussion, planned and incidental, of gender, race, culture, religion, disability, and family grouping in the promotion of positive identity.


Could someone please translate into English...


Another C5 thorn in my side :o




I think this one's about recognising and acknowledging that people are individuals, yet we have some things in common. Through circle time or in general chats with your children, you probably talk about what the children look like (maybe when doing an observational drawing, or when looking at their reflections in mirrors, or in mixing paint to match their skin colour, etc). We all have to keep in mind equal opportunities and inclusion, etc, without being afraid to talk about differences, and therefore celebrating everyone's individuality and promoting positive identity, building self-esteem etc. You may also plan to hold discussions on different family groupings, eg "Amy lives with her Mum and sister, Jack lives with his dad and Grandad, Phoebe lives with her Mum and Dad, etc". As long as we always make sure the children truly understand that all combinations are equal, we are helping to promote positive identity.

Is this waffle, or am I making sense? :)


Making sense :D


When studying for my ADCE my tutor spent a lot of time talking about racial identity, saying that research shows that some children in mixed race families would 'ignore' and 'deny' one part of their identity, normally choosing to see themselves as of white ethnicity. For example painting their self portraits as 'white' even describing themselves as 'white'. The research was quite old and I didn't agree entirely....


Well I did my own research, My niece is of mixed race Black mother, White father. At a young age she was adopted by my brother (white), who's wife is Black.

I asked her sensitively " Do you see yourself as Black or White"? She answered " Tiffany" enough said, sound self identity. :D




Many thanks, off to crack the last few remaining obstinate KUS's ;0)

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