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Lovely first day back - Ofsted on Wednesday.

Has anyone got any ideas for calculating or problem-solving on the theme of Art and Artists (I know!)

Would be eternally grateful for any ideas.





what about looking at some of those geometric shape pictures - is it Mondrian? primary coloured rectangles and black lines? you could do some shape investigations, or make a similar picture using only 2 colours and 2 shapes? It's all that I can think of at the moment - but may give you a start


I am sure that I have some books somewhere animals in art and shapes in art. I will hunt them out and get back to you. Wednesday is not giving me long to get them to you though


Are you being watched in a Maths lesson?

  rosetta said:

Lovely first day back - Ofsted on Wednesday.

Has anyone got any ideas for calculating or problem-solving on the theme of Art and Artists (I know!)

Would be eternally grateful for any ideas.






Hello Rosetta

Your are not alone - am in the same boat with our lovely ofsted guests due on wed too!!!! Good probsolving activity - there is a kandinsky pic with lots of diff coloured concentric circles 'Colour study squares' (eg there is a large red circle, then a yellow smaller circle on that and then a small blue circle in the centre)- have this as a visual prompt. Then give chdn 3/4 diff colours of paper and each child has to make 2 diff sets of circles to stick together.

Hope this makes sense-look at pic and you might get me!!!



I agree with both of the previous posts ( you wise lot) The Mondrian ideas sounds most appropriate and also ive found it tricky to match objectives to themes and have done them anyway. I had ofsted the friday before half term and it was excellent, the gentleman just poped in and out during the session and was really friendly. He spoke to the children and was more interested in how I interacted with the children and vice versa. Ofsted were not really interested in my planning but were hot on assessment and tracking and how this informs my future planning. I send you loads and loads of luck for Wednesday. XXX


You can dwonload some draft problem solving materials from QCA here


I should have said - you want modules 2 and 3 (very bottom of web page)


Thank you so much everyone


There are some super ideas there.


keep your fingers crossed!



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