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Research Help Required For Dissertation


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If I could help with the questionnaire I would, but not in the private sector at the mo'. However, we do have a FEET (Families Enjoying Everything Together) programme where I am based, which is geared towards supporting parents and children in communication, social and learning opportunities in the two terms before they enter school - mainly to ease transition and to raise parents' confidence in communication and socialsing in areas of deprivation.


If this is relevant, I can provide case study information for you.




PS Enjoy Pen Green - like Peggy, I'll get there one day!

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Dar Running Bunny

The FFET programme sounds really interesting and something that I would certainly like to look at if you can let me have anything that would be great. You mention that you were not in the private section - what area are you working in at the moment are you in a setting as I am looking for a cross section pf providers - or are you working in a different area altogether. Would be great to hear from you with anything you have


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Feet was part of a Primary National Strategy/DfES/Sure Start programme that was piloted with other local authorities undertaking a variety of schemes with parents. You can order the pack from DfES publications on 0845 60 222 60 ref: dfes 1210-2005 G. If it is not available, PM me with your address and I can send you a copy.


Basically, the FEET groups took two approaches - one group had an informal beginning to the session with heuristic play, followed by circle time with parents and children enjoying songs and stories together. Planned experiences then followed with play and learning leaders supporting parents and children, encompassing all areas of child development.


The other tgroups developed a programme that included time for a parent discussion group,with the children being supervised by the play and learning leaders, parents were able to talk about behaviour issues, feeding, toileting, etc...


Parents and children were given bags that included actiivty making materials (books, crayons, paper, pencils etc) and the parents bags included things to extend the activities at home - remember these were in the most deprived areas so did not have access to a lot of resoures.


Each session was evaluated and plans made for the next session. I think there are 10/12 sessions for each group, but I could be wrong.


I hope this sums it up briefly, but I would definitely get the pack as it inludes the other LA schemes too.




Oh, I'm a development officer supporting the creation of childcare places in the LA where I work, so I'm not currently 'practising' as such!

Edited by Running Bunny
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