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Not looking forward to it!!!


Looking forward to seeing all the chidren (even those I have encountered in Tesco over Christmas: 'What are you doing here?'. 'Why are you getting sausages?' 'Why are you buying that funny thing?)'.


Not looking forward to having to justify myself. Why I am still committed to training? Why am I still wanting to be involved in ongoing requirements and legislation? That is only managerment (NVQ 4) role. And it is such a fight to get information (gosh, they won't even let me see the PLA Under 5 Matters).


Not looking forward to convincing the Open University that, although I don't have a level 3 qualification, I am still capable.


Looking forward to getting result for my first course towards OU Foundation Degree. I'm sure I have passed. Maybe not with flying colours, but at least a pass.


Is there anyone in the N.Herts/S.Cambs area looking for a committed practitioner?





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Yes, good luck tomorrow to all of you who are back-and aren't you lucky if you have a couple more days!!

Am working now as I was really ill with a very bad head cold from before Christmas until about Tuesday last week! I have spent most of the two weeks sleeping-which is good in some ways but means I have got NOTHING done!!

I have got my registers etc. done and have decided to have a settling back week with no plans as such-gives me some breathing space.

Have a great term and keep logging on!!


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