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Rabo Bikes And Trikes

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Hi all


We've been given funding to buy some outdoor bikes etc and I am looking for the cheapest supplier of Rabo toys. We have a few of their bikes at the moment and they seem really sturdy. Does anyone know the best place to buy them?





We've just got a couple of new Rabo vehicles that we got from Yorkshire Purchasing - though I think from a previous post on here YPO might be a northern company and possibly not available 'down south'. Just as a matter of interest, I've heard something somewhere - probably on here :o about vehicles which allow for more than one child to use them as being seen as better - allowing children to communicate whilst using them. We got a chariot - one child cycles and there's a platform on the back for another child to stand on - we already had a trike with two seats - both are very popular with the children. We also got a three wheeled scooter (just for one child - ooooooops!) but I'd argue that operating a scooter needs different skills and so is important.




Hi all thanks for the replies.


Marion, I just tried to register with Yorkshire Purchasing and it says I need a 'premise code'. Do you have any idea what this is?

Thanks Debbie



That is for customers who already have an account but are not registered on line. I think you may need to look at "Apply for a customer account". It does say that some geographical restrictions may apply but I would think that may be for somewhere like the Isle of White or Isle of Man. I should have thought you would be OK on the mainland.



Whoops sorry!

My brain is a bit fried tonight, had a difficult week!

Debbie :o

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