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Snail Song - Help Please!

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Does anyone know any snail songs or poems? Thank you!


Thanks Marion. Anymore would be gratefully received!


Aargh, Marion! You've changed your avatar again! I miss the angelic little girl!


Our preschool children like this poem



Slowly slowly goes the snail up the garden trail


Quickly quickly goes the mouse, Quickly quickly into the house



(You "walk" forefinger up your arm v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y for the snail part - we like to see how slowly we can say it and do it- then run with forefinger and middle finger very quickly up your arm for the mouse - as quickly as you can!)





Similar rhyme to Carolyn's - change pace with each rhyme, the children love the anticipation of the 'quickly' verse.


Slowly, slowly, very slowly goes the garden snail:

slowwly, slowly, very slowly up the garden rail


Quicly, quickly, very quickly goes the little mouse

Quickly, qucikly very quickly all around the house!


Hi Moose,

Do you speak French at all. If so I've got a little rhyme which my children love.


Petit escargot, petit escargot (make snail with index and middle fingers up and crawl rest of fist across other hand)

porte sur son dos, porte sur son dos (hands onto shoulders as though you are carrying a ruck sack)

sa maisonette, sa maisonette (use both hands to make triangle shaped roof)

aussitot qu'il pleut, aussitot qu'il pleut (raindrops with fingers coming down)

Il sort sa tete, il sort sa tete (make roof shape over head with hands and stick neck out!)

tira, tira la la la la la, tira tira la la la la la hop la!


Hope it's useful to someone! :o




Sammy Snail


Try using this poem as a movement activity for preschool



Sammy snail is slowly moving

See him slide across the grass

He leaves a silver path behind him

We all know when he has passed.


Sammy snail is never worried

Though he wanders far and wide

For on his back his house he carries

And when he's tired he pops inside.

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