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Thought I would share this - we are currently doing All About Me as a theme, talking about colours of eyes today one little girl looked into my eyes and said "your eyes are RED and green", I have been quite tired lately and that confirmed how tired I must look!! A bit later on a different girl asked me if I had hurt my face, she was referring to the dark circles under my eyes, apart from that I looked great today!!

Hope you all had a good day.


One of the children commented her mum weighed a stone! (she is small and slim but I suspect slightly heavier) to which another child replied I think my mum must weigh at least 100 stones then (should I tell her!)


I used to get the childrens attention at story time by asking them, "what colour are my eyes today?"


A few months back I wore coloured contact lenses, I have blue, green and lilac ones. The children were facinated, especially when I showed them how to take them out and put them in again.

One boy asked me "What colour are mine"? I said "Brown", he then shut his eye tight, opened them wide and asked "What colour are they now?"

Obviously didn't quite understand the concept of lenses. :(


I did have to stop wearing them in though when the boy, a few days later, tried to poke his finger in his eye "to change the colour". :o




p.s. I've often been asked if I have a baby in my tummy xD , middle aged spread, totally out of my control, well that's my excuse.


Aren't kids brilliant - I just love them! Having gone through loads of dilemmas I know that I really still want to work with them and not get bogged down with an office job.



Peggy my daughter asked me that a few years ago and the excitement on her face when she asked... she was so disapointed when I told her she wasnt going to have another baby bother or sister

Peggy my daughter asked me that a few years ago and the excitement on her face when she asked... she was so disapointed when I told her she wasnt going to have another baby bother or sister





"Spoilsport" :o


(or very hardworking, not ready for another one, Mum :) )




They do make you smile...


one told me that dad goes swimming in his PJ's and sleeps bare... and asked me why?


I said i didn't know and she replied she didn't know but was glad her dad was not bare in the pool and maybe no one notice his pj's


My daughter, then aged about 2 1/2 said to my Mum: "Nanan I do like your skin its soft and wrinkly like an old elephant" fortunately my lovely Mum does have a sense of humour and remembers the story with a giggle.


Last year in class I discovered age creeping up on me too. We were working on self portraits and I was trying to get across the idea of hair not being a totally uniform colour on some people. Mine's mousy so I said I thought I might need some light brown and dark brown and yellow to mix together, it was fine until a voice piped up: "Don't forget the white one". :D



Guest MaryEMac

When I was working as a midday supervisor at school, one of the year 2s came up to me and asked if I had been to a party. Puzzled I asked 'why?', and she said because of the silver streaks in your hair. That prompted a quick visit to the chemist to buy a box of 'Lasting Care' !! :o




kids they just say what they think and never think about what they say


my daughter was looking at dates on the calander and my birthday is in December she worked out Christmas day and my birthday and then anounced " Mummy your 10 days older than Jesus!!!!"


no not quite, :o I just feel it!

kids they just say what they think and never think about what they say


my daughter was looking at dates on the calander and my birthday is in December she worked out Christmas day and my birthday and then anounced " Mummy your 10 days older than Jesus!!!!"


no not quite, :(  I just feel it!



:oxD:( Alison!!!

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