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Registers - when a child leaves all their attendance data disappears?!

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I would be grateful if someone could confirm whether what I am seeing is correct.

I have two children who have moved out of area and so they have been changed to 'Inactive' in Tapestry and have actually been marked for deletion. However we have been selected for a funding audit and I have to provide evidence of attendance through our registers. In generating historic registers for earlier this year when these children *did* attend, it appears that all their attendance records have gone with their profile and I can no longer prove that they attended our setting during that time. 

I have reactivated the children and they now re-appear back on the registers. Luckily the deletion had not completed.

It appears that this is intended behaviour? If this is correct, we will have to stop using the register functionality immediately as we have to retain this information for 6 years as per our funding agreement. We cannot keep these children as active as we need to free up the space on our plan. I really hope that I have misunderstood something here as we have loved the functionality and would be gutted to have to stop using it. 

I would be grateful if someone could let me know ASAP if there is another way to retrieve their attendance data. Thanks.


And please, the solution is not to generate a PDF of historic registers at the end of every week/month/term. This is a temporary solution granted, but should not have to be done. The whole point of using a third-party system for registers is for simplicity and having the data stored *within the system* for future access. We shouldn't have to do a workaround to retain the data. 


Hi @Tweetinat,

Thanks for getting in touch.

If you make these children inactive then all of their data (including Booking, Register, etc.) will remain on the account indefinitely, for as long as we store your account data. However, we understand that this may not be practical or in line with your data retention policy and GDPR.

Therefore we are currently working on adding a new child status of ‘partially deleted’ which would allow you to delete sensitive data but retain information you may need in the future, including: the child’s name and date of birth, their registrations from on the Online Register, their Booking and Invoices data, Accident forms.

It will also allow you to look back through your booking and invoicing data on Tapestry which will be particularly helpful once we introduce financial reporting screens. 🙂 So we would suggest to keep these children inactive (as opposed to deleting them) until this new status is available. And we'll be in touch directly to let you know when the ‘partially deleted’ child status is on Tapestry.

Best wishes, 



Hi, thanks so much for the quick reply. However, the children are not appearing when generating the register PDF files when they are inactive (not deleted). This doesn't seem to align with your first statement above? You're very welcome to dip into our account to have a look if you want to see what I mean?




Hi @Tweetinat,

Sorry for the confusion. All of the child's data will remain on the account but (booking data) won't be accessible in the inactive status. So for the meantime, whilst we work on improving this, we would advise to export this data before inactivating them. Or if you need to access it at a later time then you can activate them temporarily to get the data before making inactive again. 

Best wishes, 


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  • 6 months later...

Hi @Tweetinat,

Just to let you know that the partially deleted status is now live on Tapestry. This means when you go to delete a child, you'll see the option is now called 'deactivate'. When you select this, you'll be presented with three different choices, one of which is to partially delete the child. 

If you choose to partially delete a child, their personal data will be deleted but any data required for financial, attendance or accident reporting will be kept. This tutorial will talk you through this process. 

Best wishes,


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