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Invoices: Recording payments

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In this tutorial we're going to look at how to record and allocate a payment on Tapestry's Invoice feature, and how to send a receipt to a child's bill payer/s.

You'll need to have Booking and Invoices set up on your Tapestry account first, so if you haven't done this yet you can refer to our tutorial on this here.

If you'd like, you can skip ahead to a certain section of this tutorial using these links below:


Recording a payment

First we'll have a look at where to record a payment from. There are two places that you can do this: from a child's finance tab, and when viewing a specific invoice. 


Finance tab

Let's start from the finance tab. You can get here by navigating to Booking (1) > Children (2) > selecting a child (3) > and then Finance (4). Here you will be able to see all of the transactions for the child (5), consisting of payments and invoices. The current account balance can also be seen to the right (6). For a closer look at account balances, please have a look at our tutorial on this here.




To record a payment, click on the '+ New' button (1) and select 'Payment' (2). 




From an invoice

Now let's look at this from an invoice directly. From the child's finance tab, you can also click on an invoice.




From here just click on the cog > 'Add Payment' (1). You will also have an have an additional 'Add Payment' button (2) within the payment details section. 




Alternatively, invoices can be viewed by navigating to Finance (1) > Invoices (2). If an invoice requires payment then once you click on the cog (3) you'll have an option to add a payment (4). 




Adding payment details

Now that we've seen the different areas that you can add a payment from, let's have a look at what happens once we select the relevant 'Add Payment' button. Once clicked, a modal will appear where you can enter the details of the payment. You can:

(1) Select the date you received the payment, which will default to the current date.

(2) Enter the amount of the payment.

(3) Select the type of payment received. The default is 'Other', but you can also select BACS, cash, cheque, credit card, debit card, or voucher. 

(4) Add a payment reference, which will be visible to the bill payers (optional).

(5) Send an email receipt to the bill payers (optional). 

(6) Add an internal note, which will not visible to bill payers (optional). 




If you've arrived at the 'Add Payment' modal from a specific invoice directly, then some of the details will already be auto-filled to match the invoice amount (you can amend these if needed). Or if you've chosen to add a payment from the child's finance tab then you will need to fill out all of the payment details from scratch.

Let's have a look at a specific example of recording a payment. Here I'm going to record a payment of £1,000 (1).

At the bottom, within the 'Invoice Allocation' section, you'll see all of the invoices for that child that are not marked as paid and require payment (2). Once you enter a payment amount it will be automatically allocated and to the oldest invoice first. So in this example you can see that £989.82 has been allocated to invoice #152, and then the remaining £10.18 has been allocated to invoice #153 (3).




You can manually amend payment allocation by changing the amount in the allocated field (1). If the payment amount is greater than the unpaid invoices, or if you allocate less than the payment amount, then the remaining funds will show as unallocated and can be used towards future invoices (2).

Once you're happy with your payment and allocation, click to save (3).




After saving you'll be taken back to the child's finance tab (or the main Invoices page if you added the payment this way), where you can see the payment (1) and amended account balance (2). We can see that the payment is 'Part Allocated' (3) (£10.18 unallocated).




As some of the payment is unallocated, when you next create an invoice for this child, the unallocated funds will automatically be applied to the new invoice.

If you click on the payment you'll see the details and can manually allocate the remainder of the payment from here (1). From the cog menu (2) you can also edit or delete the payment if needed (3).




Sending receipts

Once you have added a payment to Tapestry, you can also send a receipt of the payment directly to the bill payers. If you haven't got your bill payers set up yet then you can refer to our tutorial on this here.

As we've already seen, you can choose to send a receipt at the same time that you record a page by ticking the option. 




You can also send a receipt for existing payments. To do this, go to Children (1) > select the child (2) > and then Finance (3). From the list of transactions, select the payment you'd like to send a receipt for (4).




Once the payment is open, click on the cog menu (1) and select 'Send Receipt' (2).




The bill payers will then receive an email notification receipt that looks like this:




If you have any questions please get in touch at customer.service@eyfs.info and we'll be happy to help.




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