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Draft Care Diary entries on the iOS app

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In this tutorial we will look at how to add, edit, delete and publish draft Care Diary entries using the iOS Tapestry app.

Using drafts can be helpful if you would like to start an entry and then finish it later.

It's worth noting that drafts are local to both the user and the device they were created on. So if you sign into your account on a different device your drafts will not appear. Similarly, if a different user signs in on the device you used to create a draft entry, this will not be visible to them.

There are two ways you can add Care Diary entries.

The first way is to open the Care Diary (1) then go to a child's entries (2).





You will then need to select 'Add Entry for [child's name]'' (1) and choose the type of entry you would like to create (2).




The second way to add an entry from the Care Diary screen is to tap the profile icons of any children you would like to add an entry for (1) and then at the bottom, select the add entry button (2).





This will bring up a pop-up menu where you can choose what type of entry you want to make. 





When adding an entry, to save it as a draft, select 'Cancel' in the top left-hand corner (1). This will bring up two options for you, select 'Save as draft' (2).





You can view drafts one of two ways. Firstly, you can view all drafts for all children on your device by tapping on the 'Drafts' button at the top of the list of children. 





This will bring up a list of all drafts made on your device for a day (1). Tap on a draft to edit, save or delete it (2).

On this screen you can also delete all drafts on your device (3). 





When viewing a draft you make further changes to the entry and then 'Save' (1) or you can delete it (2).

Saving the draft will upload it as a full entry straight away.




Alternatively you can view the drafts for a particular child by selecting the 'Entries' button (1).




Here you will see a section called 'Drafts' (2) where you will see any drafts that have been saved for this child for the day you are viewing. Again tap on the draft to edit, save or delete it. 






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