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Invoices: Cancelling an invoice

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In this tutorial we're going to cover how to cancel an invoice that has been generated on your account for a child. There are two different ways you can find an invoice you wish to cancel.

The first way to find an invoice is under "Management System" (1), and then choosing "Finance" (2) and selecting "Invoices" (3).


Invoices page.png


Here you can use the "Search" box (1), to find a particular invoice by number, or by searching for a child's name.




You can also find an invoice within "Management System" (1), under "Children" (2), and selecting the child who's invoice you wish to find (3). This takes you to the child's page, from where you can select the "Finance" page (4).




By clicking the 'Invoices' tab (1) you will be able to see a list of all the invoices generated for this child (2). 




For either option of finding an invoice, the process of cancelling an invoice is the same. For the rest of the screenshots in this tutorial I will be cancelling an invoice from the Finance -> Invoices page.

Once you have found the invoice you wish to cancel, click the cog menu next to the invoice (1), and you will get a series of options for what you can do with the invoice. One of the options will be to cancel the invoice (2). You will not see this option if the invoice has already been cancelled.




Once you select the "Cancel Invoice" option and you will see a warning message asking you to confirm deletion (1). Here you have the options to 'Go Back' (2) or to confirm the cancellation (3).

Please note that once the invoice is cancelled, it cannot be reinstated. 




If you choose to go ahead with cancelling the invoice, once you have confirmed, you will return to the Invoice Enquiry screen. To see your cancelled invoices, select the 'Show Cancelled' box (1). The cancelled invoices will then appear in the list and you will see that the status of the invoice as "Cancelled" (2).






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