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Booking: Exporting data

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In this tutorial we'll look at how to export your booking data into a CSV file.

After accessing the Management System from the top of the page (1), go to 'Exports' (2), and then click on 'Booking CSV Export' (3).




The first thing to do is select the date range of bookings that you would like the export to include. You can input the start and end date manually by clicking on a date (4) and then either typing out the date, or navigating the calendar to find and click on your preferred date (5). Alternatively, you can choose pre-set date ranges from the last calendar month or for the month to date (6). Please note that the end date is inclusive. 




Next, you can choose which child/ren's data to export. This will be set to 'All Children' by default, so if you'd like to change this to a specific child then click on the current child selection (7) and then a popup will appear. From this popup just scroll through the list of children on your account and then click on the preferred child (8).





After selecting the child you can then choose whether to include data within your date range that contains closures and / or absences. Absences will be selected by default. If you want to select or unselect either option then just click in the relevant box.




The final option is to include extra detail in the export. If preferred, you can choose to include granular data by ticking the box (9). This will show detail about individual bookings for each child, consisting of the room, booking type, the date, start and end times, and the duration.

Once you're happy with all of your export preferences, click on 'Generate CSV' (10). The CSV file will then be downloaded straight to your device (you won't find it within the downloads section on Tapestry).




Depending on what you've selected, it will look something like this without granular data:




And it will look something like this with granular data (the extra granular data is highlighted green):




If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at customer.service@eyfs.info.



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