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I have decided to write a student handbook, aimed at long term students on specific childcare courses, right through to those on 2 week work experience placements, giving them information about the setting, what we do and their roles and responsibilities. I'm also aiming to include copies of paperwork, relevant for student's courses, for example policies and procedures.


Was just wondering if anyone else had attempted to make one and if so, what information was included?


Also, for any students that might see this post, I would be interested in any ideas you might have as to how I could make this book work to the advantage of students.





We are hoping to write one in our setting after having a lot of problems with a recent student. As with all things, we asked ourselves if we had done something to make things go so horribly wrong (excuse the grammar) with this student.

We have found that problems arise with protocol - i.e not texting in your mobile phone when working with a group of children!!(yes we have had a student who has done this)

We have asked a few students recently what they would like in a handbook and the main things they have said is things about the routine as that is the ting which is a lot to take in for example toilet procedures etc..

Some of our younger students would also like tips on speaking with children and prompt questions when working with groups.

We are also going to include points on things to look for to assess activities.


Can't think of much more at mo!!



Thanks Lola. Havent really had any problems with students but thought it would be nice for the hardworking ones, a bit of support maybe? My students said they would welcome a source of information that is just for them, and I have a few ideas from them too, but will definately bear the routine idea in mind. I didn't think of that!




Sounds like a great idea, I am sure it would be appreciated and save you a lot of work in the long run.

One of the things I often get asked to do with students is a risk assessment so maybe you could include one in the handbook. Goodluck, let us know how you get on.


some time ago I posted my verssion of the student handbook on here for someone else. If you search you should find it, however, if you have no luck let me know and I will post it again.

Going away for a few days so if you need it from me I wont be here until the end of next week.


Thanks Judy! You're handbook is just the kind of thing I would like to create so thanks!




As a teaching student nearing the end of her course I'd say it was a very good idea. One of the six schools I had taching practice in did that sort of thing and it removed the awkwardness (sp?) of pestering very busy people for copies of thier policies. A policy that we have been asked to collect a copy of from each school is the behaviour policy and it is important to make clear the child protection proceedures in the school.





Hi Elfy. That was the main idea behind it really, the fact that students could access policies and procedures easily, for their work. As I looked through the forum though, I was beginning to think of other things I could put into it and now its not so much of a handbook, as a complete novel! I was going to include the behaviour, child protection and health and safety policies, but are there any others I should be including? There seem to be so many and I'm not sure which ones will be relevant!




The student handbook is nearly complete, but I have just been writing about head injuries and accidents. I was wondering if anyone had a copy of a head injury inforamtion sheet that they give to parents that I could have a look at, as I would like to be able to give further information to parents at the end of the session when head injuries occur. Thanks.




We give a letter just letting parents know that a head bump has occurred and that are to look for symptons of sickness, dizzeness (sp?) drowsiness etc.. It says that if they notice any of these symptons then they should consult their GP. Only copy is at school so can't post it on here sorry!!




That's a good idea Barb, actually. Make it stand out from usual letters etc. May have to invest in some coloured paper! Thanks for the tip!




the head bump letter is a good idea I will add it to my to do list thanks Lola


our student handbook is a simple leaflet we dont give the students any copies of policies but point them in the direction of the welcome desk and ask when they start their placement if there is any coursework or infomation they may need to discuss


in our leaflet we include:

health and safety points

do's and don'ts (child protection, bahaviour issues)

hints and tips for good practise (i.e. suggested ways to interact with children etc)

the daily routine


also a tear off slip acknowledging that they have read to leaflet, are aware of the policies and give an emergency contact number for the student should they have any accidents during sessions. but I noticed sometimes the student gives the college number as their emergency contact number which probably isnt the best number.


I haev written an acknowledgement slip/letter for students to sign, so they confirm that they have read and understood the points detailed in the handbook. This is so if there are any problems, I can refer them to the piece of paper they signed and tell them that they have signed to say that they understand what is written as well as our policies and procedures.


I think the contact number idea is good, and I will have to add an extra bit for that. Thanks Alison!




Yeah that looks good. We also have a tear off slip whihc we ask parents to return to us the following day with a box for them to tick - my child has / has not displayed any of the above symptons. Parents then sign it


Thanks Lola. Have now added that to the above sheet. :D


We recently had an Ofsted inspection, one of the few recommendations they made was that parents should sign the accident book to acknowledge that they had received the bumped head notifcation,


bumped head letter was something I had read in another forum a few days ago and I was planning look up what to write in one (yes I know its late and its a holiday but.....)


hope you done mind me copying some of yours Clare? :o it will save me a bit of time...Thank you! :D


Our children wear a bumped head sticker if they bump their heads - this informs other members of staff as well as parents.


Of course I don't mind Alison! I'm happy to help! I have seen those stickers ASPK but not sure where to get them or cost... :o


we get through a lot of those stickers at our school so we print our own on the comuter onto white sticky labels

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