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Child password setting advice

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In this tutorial we're going to look choosing a password policy when setting passwords for children and deciding on the visibility of the passwords when children login.  

First, let's look at the different password policy options.


Child password policies 

Wherever you choose to generate passwords for children (you can see the different ways in this tutorial), you will be asked to choose a password policy. There are seven different options you can choose from (see below), ranging from trivial to stronger. 

We do recommend considering these options and what the consequences of each of them carefully.

The default password policy selected is 'Strong: three funny words', but all of the options are simpler than we recommend for adult Tapestry users. This is because Child Login only works on computers/tablets you have specifically allowed access to, or when the child is with one of their relatives if you have allowed relative access.




When choosing a password policy, we recommend taking into account the following: 

  • How secure are the devices the children will be using to login with - the less secure the device, the stronger we recommend the password policy to be
  • The age of your children - simpler passwords may be more suitable for younger children whereas older children may be able to handle more complex passwords 
  • Might children try guessing each other's passwords - if so, you might want to try choosing a stronger password policy
  • Who else has access to devices with Child Login pages enabled - they will be able to access the login page too and so could have a go at guessing a child's password


Visibility of passwords 

Once you have chosen your password policy for children and they have their passwords, the other consideration is what you want the visibility of the password to be when the children login. You are asked to select this when setting up group login pages and you can also set this from the Control Panel -> Settings -> Child Login. 




Here there are three options as to whether or not children can view their password when they log in. They are:

  1. Show children their password as they type
  2. Show children a button that when clicked will reveal their password
  3. Never show children their password as they type 

We recommend considering the security of your devices before choosing one of these options. If option 1 is enabled or if option 2 is and a child clicks to view their password when they enter it, this will mean anyone who can see their screen will be able to see the child's password.

However, options 1 & 2 may be more suitable if you have younger children. 


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