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*IEYC - International Early Years Curriculum*

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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone - nice to meet you all, I hope all your families are safe and well :)

I'm an EY teacher at a brand new school over in Qatar and we use the IEYC - International Early Years Curriculum. For anyone interested, here's a link > IEYC. We are only using this curriculum; we are not using it alongside the EYFS, as some schools do. This was my decision as when I looked into all the strands, threads, units, and areas of learning everything overlapped so much that it seemed an ineffective use of our time to document both. 

So, I'm curious to know, with the new IEYC Tapestry update, if any schools/ practitioners on the site use this curriculum and what their thought are.


  1. How do you plan? What formats do you use? 
  2. How do you assess children? What formal assessments do you use? 
  3. How do you set up your classes (Phase A / Phase B)?
  4. Anything else you think is helpful!

I'm no expert in the curriculum, but have read nearly everything offered in terms of curriculum documentation on the My Fieldwork website - literally everything. So, I'm also happy to share my thoughts and understanding if asked! I'll give it a good go anyway!

Edited by Danielle Sanniti
  • Danielle Sanniti changed the title to *IEYC - International Early Years Curriculum*

Hi Danielle,

I'm not an expert on the IEYC at all! But Tapestry has a case study article showing how one school uses the online learning journal alongside the IEYC that might be helpful. You can read it here

Hopefully someone with more knowledge about using the IEYC in a school will be able to give you some more info soon! 

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