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Quick bites of Animal Welfare - fun and easy to do

During these strange times the RSPCA prevention and education team is aiming to provide teachers, parents and carers with engaging activities that will get young people thinking and debating animal issues. 

Learning new things is always fun and it is good to take the focus off ourselves and explore topics that could really change things for the better for both animals and the planet.

There is a lot more to think about than you would imagine - dip into some of these suggested activities and resources, you'll be surprised what little changes we could make to improve  the lives of animals.

Find all the details here https://education.rspca.org.uk/home-resources?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoJaD45bq6AIVV-DtCh1gdAckEAAYAiAAEgJ1gvD_BwE 

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