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Mixed Age Planning

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I am trying out a new format of planning sheet for the pre-school to incorporate both the FS and BTTM. Having read some different posts on here, have decided to try and use one sheet giving an activity, but how it links to both age groups. :o


I would be grateful for any feedback! :D


Thanks, Clare


Had a look at this and its made me think about planning and how you all have to organise and record it....be interested to see what other people think and how they record their planning to combine FS and BT3. Am visiting another nursery soon and will ask them about this as well. Looks like you've worked hard at sucessfully combining the two stages! Thanks for that.



After much fiddling around, I have finally come up with a planning format that I think suits our setting! I think it is quite easy to follow and incorporates both the Foundation Stage and Birth to Three Matters, but using the same activity for both age groups. I have tried to make it easy to follow, as we have many students working as part of our team and they are encouraged to take part in the planning process.


In addition to this, I have (with your help!) decided to carry out 1 focus activity per day with children, aiming to cover all six areas of learning over the space of a week.


The only problem I have at the moment is the activity plans are to be filled in daily, with some activities eg role play or indpendence skills continuing throughout the week. I think the staff will object to having to fill in 11 sheets per week (5 daily plans and 6 focus activity plans) even though they will, in effect be writing 3-4 different activities per day. Does this make sense?! :o


I would be interested in any ideas you may have as to how I could decrease the amount of paperwork involved, whilst still using the sheets I have come up with. Also, any comments you may have regarding my sheets will be useful as I'm aiming to have the planning issue sorted by the time I go back to work after the break.







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