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Unit C15 - Protection Of Children From Abuse

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Good evening,


I am just completing last performance evidence on this unit and need help on this -


'Children are given adequate opportunities and positive encouragment to assert their rights within health and safety requirements and other constraints of the setting'.


I need to show my performance based on promoting childrens awareness of personal safety and abuse


I have included toileting and to never assume the child needs help - always ask the child if they want your help etc. - but what else can i show to do with promoting awareness of personal safety and abuse........


This is probably sooo obvious but head is seriously mashed!!!!!!


Many thanks,




Think about the different skills and attitudes children need to be able to assert their rights, appropriately.

How do you promote confidence, self esteem, identity? How do they learn it is ok to say no, that they have rights and what those rights are. How do they learn that they can ask for and expect respectful behaviour towards them.

All the different ways we can communicate NO. ( appropriately)


How do they learn rules and boundaries, how does peer pressure effect how boundaries are respected and followed. Are they confident to be able to say "Don't do that"



Think about the different skills and attitudes children need to be able to assert their rights, appropriately.

How do you promote confidence, self esteem, identity? How do they learn it is ok to say no, that they have rights and what those rights are. How do they learn that they can ask for and expect respectful behaviour towards them.

All the different ways we can communicate NO. ( appropriately)


How do they learn rules and boundaries, how does peer pressure effect how boundaries are respected and followed. Are they confident to be able to say "Don't do that"





Thank you Peggy, that has pointed me in the right direction,



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