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The TES has published a lovely article by Lisa Jarmin about the experience of teaching Reception aged children, particularly in the first half of the Autumn term - when the whole concept of school is new to them all!

"As a student teacher, I approached my new Reception class placement with confidence. I’d just aced a placement in Year 1 and was pretty sure that Reception would be much of the same, just with slightly smaller children.

Four hours into my first day, I stood in the middle of what felt like carnage in its most pure form, holding a poo that a child had handed to me (“Surprise! This fell out of my bum”) and reassessed my position: my surroundings were in lurid Technicolor, I was surrounded by shrieking munchkins…I was pretty sure I wasn’t in Kansas any more.

Now, where were those ruby slippers when I needed them?

It’s easy to dismiss teaching in early years foundation stage (EYFS) as the soft option. When you’ve spent a morning teaching long division to an unenthusiastic bunch of Year 4s, or marking endless Year 2 writing assessments, and the Reception teacher wafts into the staffroom wearing a plastic tiara and humming Five Little Speckled Frogs, it seems pretty clear who’s got the best option.

But really, EYFS is nothing like what you think it is. I gathered some EYFS troops to help me to set the record straight."

You can read the rest of the article here



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