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World Book Day

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As Literacy Co-ordinator I organise World Book Day: I have some ideas, but if anyone has further suggestions, please post them.

• Children bring in favourite books

• Children dress up as favourite character from a book

• Usborne Book Fair in Library

Suggestions for Classroom based activities?

• Children make puppets of favourite book characters

• Paintings/Creative Pictures of characters

• Lotto/Pairs, etc and other Word Games

• ICT – Internet (Cbeebies stories, etc),

• Reading table – children enjoy looking at range of books

• Colouring pictures of book characters

• Make zig zag books about favourite things

• Listen to various poetry

• Collect comics, newspapers, etc, as varied reading choices

• Children share favourite books

• Older children share books with younger children

• Invite parent helpers to dress up – give them notice

• Make models of book characters from play dough, and other construction materials

• Provide a range of writing frames

• Provide props for children to act out stories

• Create book marks

• Invite parents in to take children to book fair

Mix and match characters from one story to another

Posters for stories

and some websites:









We have 2 authors coming to do timetabled storytelling sessions and staff and pupils dress up as characters from books.

Please let know of your ideas and suggestions. Many thanks


We have just finished our topic web for World Book Day and are including many of the things you have listed a few others we decided on were...


Use puppets to retell favourite stories

Story sequencing pictures

mask making ...the gruffalo etc have prinable resources on line

outdoor we plan to leave clues to various story characters eg big boot and golden eggs for giant in jack and the beanstalk, plantpot a snail, beetle etc for wibbly's garden

compost and beans in one sand tray for Jasper's beanstalk

fairytale castle in smallworld area

roleplay the three bears cottage order by size etc


We are having an open day with parents invited to share activities in the school with everyone coming in costume (guess who I am?)

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