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There was an article in the Times this morning. It makes interesting reading! But, as with most things, the bad practice is the minority and I'm glad to see that there are lots of positives in the report.



I received mine this morning. I get email alerts from the Ofsted site.


I just wish that the first paragraph was less negative. As Linda says there are some positives, but the introduction to the article doesn't reflect this.


It is just another example that the Private sector, which provides the majority of full day care ( from 7am ) is underfunded.


The article doesn't address the settings, like mine, who cannot set up the night before. My staffing costs for set-up and putting away (ie daily furniture removals) equates to £150 per week :o


It seems also that Inspectors are employed for " a normal working day" ie 9-5.

paragraph2. But regular inspection only ever gives a snapshot of provision at a particular time. Inspectors normally visit registered provision during core operating hours when the majority of children and staff are present."


I think that they should inspect settings, unannounced, from the time they open, as the norm. I wonder if the results would have been the same, if this was regularly done on a national level. I also wonder, in light of this "field" Inspection, if Ofsted will reflect on how their Inspection programme ensures quality of provision if it doesn't include all open hours, and whether they will then review their staffing hours and employ staff to "Inspect" at these times. We are are quite rightly expected to sufficiently "staff" our premises at these times, so they should sufficiently "staff" there inspection programmes to include these times as universal and not just through a "field" study.


I do find these articles useful in the fact that I now know what is on the Inspectors current agenda.



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