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Class Assembly Wedding


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I am thinking of doing a 'Reception Wedding' as our class assembly. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas, resources, suggestions for me to consider. I'd appreciate your help. As the teacher, did you support the children by taking an active role, any thoughts would be welcome!

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We have a class wedding and Christening with the help of our local vicar. (VERY useful resource) The children compose invitations and a guest list. The parents and any relatives are invited to attend and are very happy to take an active part. The brides father takes the traditional role Lots of the children have been bridesmaids or page boys and already have outfits suitable for the day. One parent even made a 3 tier wedding cake for the receptionlast year. The vicar conducts the ceremony making it clear that its just pretend! everyone signs hymns and joins in with the day.


Ive attached some photographs as they have appeared in the local newspaper. you can see what an effort parents have gone to.



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Thanks for the clarification, had never heard of anyone doing that, sounds fun though.


Have you got a local bridal shop that could give you catalogues they have finshed with so you would have lots of pictures for the children to look at. Bridal fairs are good for collecting stuff I seem to remember from when I did it many years ago now.


Good luck with it all :)



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  • 1 year later...

We did this a year or so ago - it was great!!


We looked at all sorts of weddings as part of a topic on 'Celebrations', the children wanted to have a wedding; they made the invitations, confetti, flowers etc, chose the bride and groom, bridesmaids, best man etc. One of the rooms was set out with rows of chairs either side and everyone dressed up. I supported by being the 'vicar' - no one else wanted to do it! - and we had a big party afterwards with a cake and all the trimmings.


Thinking about it, I quite fancy doing it again! Have fun.



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