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Job interview and literacy lesson observation in Reception

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Hi everyone,

I have a job interview and 30 min long literacy lesson observation this Thursday. The school is outstanding so expectations are very high.

Summer holidays are coming so I was thinking about summer holidays topic.

Any ideas? ;)



I haven't thought about anything specific yet. Maybe writing a list of holidays items?


I think you need to determine your objective to fine tune your activity.

I thought about packing a holiday suitcase, which would be easy to differentiate, so similar thinking there or maybe "Hungry Caterpillar" story with a healthy packed lunch!

Lighthouse Keeper's lunch could work too but maybe story is too long to use that as you starter?


Packing a holiday suitcase sounds interesting. I don't think I would have enough time for a story. I

need the 'wow' effect in first 5 minutes. All children need to be engaged. Objective: to write a list of things we might need to take on summer holidays.

What do you think?

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