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Help With New Job Role

Guest Brook

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Hi there.

I have been a foundation stage teacher all my career and the phase manager for the past 5. With all the restructuring of the workforce, I am having my FS coordinator hat taken off me and being given a new role instead. I havent been given a say in this so I have to say Im a bit miffed to say the least.


So far devoid of a title (other than general dogsbody that is), I will be responsible for inductions of all new staff, including NQTs, and all students whether they be teaching students, NVQs, GTPs SciTT etc etc. I am having difficuly in getting enthusiastic about this role as it will take me out of the phase I love teaching in, and may well take me out of class altogether. The image I have in my head sees me stuck in a cupboard somewhere pushing bits of paper around and having endless telephone conversations.


So Im wondering if there are any other members out there who have a similar role who can give me a clue what they do?


failing that, anyone out there recently been a new member of staff, an NQT, or on the GTP or SCITT course give me an idea of the things that you really wish you knew when you first started at your school. You know the sort of things that makes you think...'now I wish someone had told me THAT?'


Feeling very fed up..


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Oh dear Paddington poor you! :o


I too have just taken on this role - induction tutor, NQT etc and have had support from my LEA - they produce a booklet on how to give guidance to NQT's an how to support them etc. The most important factor being that you allocate a regular time to meet up and discuss any issues or concerns.


I am on a course at Roehampton University - to become a teacher tutor. We are given 2 and a half days training on how to do observations on trainee teachers and what to look for, how to help and support them etc


Contact your LEA and find out who is in charge of NQT's in your borough and who had this role before you? Surely they have a file of info?


It is an extra responsibility but it shouldn't involve piles of paperwork and days out of your class. It would be helpful for you to put together a booklet of info about your school so that newcomers can read it and get a good idea of how your school works. It will enable you to hand out the booklet and not continually repeat yourself on your schools procedures. Include a list of staff - their responsibilities, do's and don't's, resources- where to find them, general "house-keeping" - use of photocopier, fax, phone, staff room etiquette, expectations, school day routines etc


If you have no help with your LEA - let me know. Don't know your head teacher but maybe this is a compliment - she thinks you are a welcoming person and would be ideal for your new task!

Good luck


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