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Can anyone help!!! We have got Trafalgar week next week to celebrate Lord Nelson's victory. We have to base the week on this theme. Has anyone got any ideas on this topic and ideas elated to boats and sailors,

Thanks any ideas would be great


Mmm, not sure the Battle of Trafalgar is going to be terribly interesting or relevant to such young children :o

Activities - could you make Nelson style 3-cornered hats (and of course sing "my hat it has three corners...")

Boats - lots of containers of different sizes in the water tray. How many marbles to sink the boat?


Hi Little Angel,

Photos of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square and HMS Victoryand a very simple outline of the story, brave sailor, wooden boat, long time ago, rough sea, stopped sailors on other wooden boat sailing to UK -result- big hero alongside likes of spiderman.

Probably best not to mention Lady Hamilton.

Is your school in Portsmouth? Or called Trafalgar? It does seem a difficult subject.



There's a book about famous sights in London, can't remember name a little girl visits famous sights, (there's another one in series where she visits art gallery) sorry can't remember name or author but I bet some other clever person will.


Me again,

What about 'Who Sank the Boat?' as an introduction to all things nautical?

Make flags and bunting?

Sing 'When I was one' and make a number line

Make wooden/plastic/paper/clay boats and compare how they float (or not)

Record findings.

Nice seascape picture with boats

Listen to sea music (La mer?)

Wave patterns

Semaphore /signalling (have done this in PE with torch for stop and go)

Bobby Shafto

Lighthouse Keeper (getting tenuous now)



No barb, these are great!


as are all the others....must admit, I'm a bit dubious that any understanding of the Battle of Trafalgar will develop, but, hey, they are good fun and you're planting seeds!!


Sue :D


We did this with our Brownies this week. I borrowed our builder's tray from nursery, filled it with water, and the Brownies really enjoyed blowing their home-made boats across the water!


Simple pleasures, but great fun.



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