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We seemed to be a bit muddled and some staff have different views on continious prov and how it works.


If you work in this way could you help please


Currently we have set areas ie small world, water, creative graphics role play etc.

We have large a3 sheets in the areas which states the 'possible' learning that can happen in these areas.

Areas are resourced with lots of items for children to freely choose.


We look at what the children inetersts are for example children making lots of tents out of blankets we might make a role play camp shop-


How often do you change the areas?


Do you set these up everyday? week? with a set resource? ( we seemed to consistenyl have children that what something else in addition to what we have - and others that just like to empty all the boxes) ie we might have the train track and people out) but Fred comes along and wants the farm out.


Do you add something into every area every day?


Do you have a particular learning intention attached with a resource - ie this week we will add number ducks and blue water (to make it interesting) to support billy fred sally and tim in number recognition?



so many questions I know if someone can just add their way of doing things it would really help






Hi sharonash,

we have our continuous provision set up like your - different areas of provision with sheets up showing the possible learning, resources, possible additional resources, links to COLs etc. Each area is well-resourced with 'Basic' resources.

In terms on enhancing the areas, this is done for a number of different purposes

1. to promote and extend learning from the weeks objectives (so whatever we are covering in the teacher-led activities we will look to see if there are any extra resources that can be provided within the provision to continue the children's learning)

2. to extend the learning for individual children (linked to observations and next steps)

3. to 'promote' the current theme (additional resources are added to enhance the provision in general)


I do not fill out a continuous provision sheet with all the areas of provision and the days of the week etc as I find this to be a box filling exercise.

If the continuous provision is linked to a teacher-led activity I write it in italics underneath the explanation of the activity. For the other enhancements I have a extra table at the bottom of my weekly planner which has columns for area of provision, area of learning/purpose, activity/resources and children.

I do not enhance every area everyday - I just would not have the time and I don't think there is the need. Sometimes resources stay out for a couple of days, a week or 2 weeks or more - it all depends on the children's interest in them and how they are using them.

On a recent course I attended at the Early Excellence, we were told that if you couldn't think of a way to enhance an area it probably doesn't need enhancing!

Sometimes I put my enhancements out on a Monday, sometimes through the week - all depends on what they are, do they need a bit of introducing/supervision first etc. Sometimes they are from a teacher-led activity that I then allow children to use in their own way afterwards.

I have found it much easier now I don't fill in boxes - I hate empty boxes so just felt compelled to fill them all in! Now we enhance when we need to then there is always a purpose behind why we have put something different out.

Green Hippo x


Thanks Green Hippo


Any chance you could send me a copy of your weekly planning sheet


can i ask the teacher lead activities - are these based on focus children for the week and is there something under each area of learning?


Thanks for your help much appreciated I was so hoping after all those veiws someone would reply! x

Guest lillybeth

There is a new book out by Alistair Bryce-Clegg called Continuous Provision, you can get it from amazon it is brilliant. This is the guy who doe the ABC blog he is very inspirational.


I often keep areas the same, but may add an item here and there to promote a greater engagement. However often the children will add their own resources and extend themselves. For Example: I put some cake moulds, spoons, candles in the sand and they decided they would prefer the candles in the play dough and moved them over!


Hi Sharonash,

Sorry for the delay. I will download an example of my planning for you to see.

Most adult led activities are based on my medium-term plan which aims to 'cover' gaps in learning, any areas of need, general next steps of cohort etc, over the next few weeks. This is always subject to change and is fully differentiated to provide for all abilities. Yes, there is something under each area of learning but sometimes 1 activity will cover a couple of areas of learning.

The individualised planning is done through next-step/targets which we have on sheets that we keep with us and feed this into their play where possible. Each week we have 3 focus children who we ensure that we spend extra time with (but not all the time!) and really push them on in their learning, so we may end up with a bit of a mini-focus for them but that any of the children can access but this is not pre-planned for before their week, it will happen fluidly e.g. they do/say something on Monday which makes us think that x would be good to set up now/tomorrow for them to further extend this interest and learning etc.

Hope this helps,

Green hippo x

week 5 - blank.doc


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