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staff questionnaire


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Just updating our SEF, was wondering if anyone had a staff questionnaire ot upload to handout? I cant find an example anywhere. I have questionnaires for parents and the children but nothing for staff or other professionals.


Can anyone help? :1b

Guest sn0wdr0p

Ofsted have a document which I think is called "10 questions childcare providers should ask themselves" and I used this as a basis for my staff questionnaire. I will see what I can dig out for you tomorrow when I go to work.


Thanks SnowDrop, was hoping to have some kind of format to use to give to our local children's centre. Wanted something quick and easy for everyone to complete!

Guest sn0wdr0p

Sorry jennac no chance to step in my office today as rather chaotic with a very upset newbie then a rather fraught meeting with some parents re their 9 year old sons behaviour. Hopefully I will get chance tomorrow as it's set aside for 2 year progress checks paperwork.

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