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Cerebal Palsy

Guest Really

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Guest Really

I have a child just about to start in my Reception class, she did attend our nursery, who has CP. She has no speech problems. She has serious temper tantrums and screams very loudly if she does not get her own way, she will lash out and throw things. She does respond to cuddles rather than confrontation but I just wondered whether there is anyone else out there who has experience to share.


We had a little boy with CP but unlike the the child who is about to start with you, his speech was affected. He did make huge improvements and quickly caught up with his peers. A lot depends on which part of the brain has been damaged. With behaviour problems I think you have to treat them as you would any other child unless you have professional advice to the contrary. Good Luck!


We had a girl a couple of years ago with CP, who used to throw masive wobblies when she first started (I remember having to restrain her on quite a few occassions so she didn't hurt anyone else) and was quite anti-social/biting/kicking other children etc she is now going up to Yr2 and is a progressing fantastically her speech was mildly affected but that too has developed really well. Tiredness and having to go to see doctors and other professionals really set her off - and still does from time to time but not to the same degree. It was the summer between F1 and Yr1 that things got alot better and she seemed to grow out of it. In F1 she used to have her 'box' and in it were some of her favourite toys (barbie horse, mermaid, glitter pens etc) with a star chart to go with it so that if she got five stars she could take home an item from her box to play with that night, and also a little certificate. It took a little time from her to get used used to it - but it worked well and we had more and more better days.

Good Luck


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