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Hi not been on here for a while my computer was down. Anyway dont know if this has been discussed yet but recently did my assessor training and we were given a copy of the new standards due out from Oct/ Nov. Just 5 mandatory units and 4 optional. I have the titles of the units and there are some interesting ones but just wonder if they have combined some of the old standards so there is the same work load!! I did my assessor training using old standards hope I manage to get my head around new ones!!!!! The old ones were bad enough!

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Hi Tracie,

Thanks for the information. We'll need to get hold of them too, so we can update the NVQ guidance on this site! What are the titles of the mandatory ones?

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[Hi I have the sheet at work I am in there tomorrow so will write out both the mandatory and optioal units, there are some good titles but like I say I think perhaps they have combined some of the units.


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Well, that looks very interesting!!


Looks, as you say, as if they have combined units - interesting to see that Child Protection now appears to be an optional! That's just on a very quick first glance. Will look agian when I've got more time - what do you think, Helen, Carol and any other interested persons??


Sue :D

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I am absolutely positive that it will not affect anyone already doing the NVQ Level 3. Such changes never have before and I don't see why they should now. Don't forget, the new standards won't come into force until November (or whenever). The only thing I would say is that you should keep on target, as they may not be so sympathetic to tardy candidates as they might have been - it may result in some having to start from scratch with the new award. Although you'd have to be a long way behind to incur that kind of penalty!!!


Don't worry :) but if you must, consult your Assessor - we're a lovely bunch.


Sue :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also an assessor and I have been told by my college that it won't effect anyone using the old standards as long as they are within their deadline to finish. New standards come into practice on 1st October. :o

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I have just been on an induction for the NVQ3 Children's Care, Learning and Development ( new snazzy title!). It looks completely different - less written work and far more assessment and oservations. Will you be able to give the same sort of guidance for the new NVQ3 as you have for the old - because I thinkI'm going to need it!!!! This site is fantastic by the way!!!

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